
5 Step Joomla Admin Password Recovery

   There are several advantages you can get when building an onlne store. In addition to saving expenditures, because they do not need to rent a place, online stores can also open 24 hours non-stop.
One way to quickly and easily create an online store is by Joomla! which accompanied the component / module VirtueMart. Only a few steps, your online store is already built.
If you have created an online store using Joomla!, The password is an important thing to remember. But what if one day you forgot your password Joomla!? Take it easy, if you are still able to open phpmyadmin, easily overcome.
The way to overcome are as follows :

  • * Go to your PHPMyAdmin. Enter your User Name and Password and click OK. If not using a password,   skip to the next step.
  • Select the database that is used for Joomla installation.

  • Click the tab of the SQL. 

  • Type the command ‘UPDATE’ NAME_DATABASE. Jos_users’ ‘ SET”password’ = md5 (‘PASSWORD HERE’) WHERE ” jos_users. ‘Id’ = 62 LIMIT 1;. Replace NAME_DATABASE with a your Joomla! Database and PASSWORD HERE with your new password. Click Go.

  • Enjoy It ^^

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menulis.menulis dan menulis (maksudnya copas dari web lain) :p ,follow me on twitter @fikrin =)

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